Hey, long time, no see. Exams got in the way as they always do, I mean I've been exam free for a week but never got around to posting. So I thought I would use this post to give you an update on my life.
So firstly exams went alright, some were not great, but I've just put them out of my mind for now, I hope everyone else's exams went well. Secondly I've started doing EPQ properly now, I have 12 hours of EPQ lessons a week, so I might be posting more on my EPQ blog thing, which is linked at the top of this blog. Also I'm going to a lot of Uni open days, it' weird to think in a few months time I'm going to be applying to Uni's. I definitely don't feel old enough, and on the university note I'm doing a maths summer school thing at Durham University in the summer which I'm quite excited for..
So i guess that's what has been happening in my life whilst I've been away.
Is anything exciting happening in yours?
Until Next Time, Katie. x