Hi, this Month's Secret Blogger Project was about remeniscing on our childhood haha. I thought I would sort of combine the 2 topics for this month in one post to make it easier. This post is full of photos and I have lots more, so if you would like another post like this in the future please let me know. I hope you enjoy...
So I guess I'll start at the beginning, the photo about shows me in my christening outfit on the day of my christening, the photo below is me a bit older.
So these photos I'm assuming I was around 1-2 years old.
Aww look at me being cute with my eldest brother here.
This photo was taken and my Aunty Nessa's Wedding, she wasn't actually my auntie, but my mam's best friend and I have a lot of memories with her. Apparently I never stopped crying or sucking my thumb during the wedding, and this is one of the photos where I actually stopped, but I still look really miserable.
So the photo above is at my 3rd birthday party I think, in other photo's you can see my best friend Eleanor who I have known since I was 1, and I'm still friends with now. But she was half naked in a lot of the photos, and I really didn't want to embarrass her.
Th photo above shows me with my Aunty Vanessa(Nessa as I used to call her) She really was a big part of my life growing up, which is why I wanted to mention her.
This is one of the days where me and my family would take trips out, I think this is at the Waterfalls which we used to go to every year. I loved going out with my family when I was younger and I still do now.
This photo is really cute and when me and my older brother Nathan were actually nice to each other. I get told that we look really similar, Can you see it?
The photo above is in the winter ( obviously) Every year we used to build a snowman together and take a photo like this. I really enjoyed just spending time with all of my family.
Im not sure where this photo is taken, I think it might be Beamish Museum, but it was another trip out with my family.
Look at me and my family being cute when my little sister Bethany came home from the hospital.
Another photo of me and my brothers where we used to be quite close, but with them being 18 and 20 now we have drifted apart.
Aww, look at me the little nurse, although my Career path Ideas have changed since then, I was really cute.
These two photos are of me when I was around 5 or 6, the one below is me at my Christmas party, I wonder what I was looking at haha.
This is at the waterfalls, we got a photo on this seat every time we went, I must find all of the different photos.
Aw cute, me and my sister buried in sand at the beach.
Finally, this photo is of me at Hamsterly Forest, we go there every year to this day. We catch fish and have a picnic, and I still enjoy it now I am 15. I have loads of memories and photos of Hamsterly Forest, and it was one of my favourite places to be as a child.
Thankyou for reading, I hope you have enjoyed. Please let me know if you want to see any later photos, because there were so many photos to choose from.
Where was your favourite place as a child?
Until Next Time, Katie x
This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily , Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!) Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, send a quick email to rebekkarosebeautyxo@gmail.com ! xxx