Hey, it's been nearly 2 months since I last posted and I thought I would just write this post to explain where I've been.
As most of you know I started my A levels this year and the amount of work I have been getting is unbelievable. Not only do I have to complete all of my homework, I need to make sure I'm doing enough work outside of my lessons to make sure I understand everything, this work load has left me feeling really stressed as I constantly worry if I don't understand something as my mocks are just after Christmas.
I did try to keep up with my blogging for a bit, but it just kept getting more and more difficult. So I decided instead of stressing myself out over that as well I would just take a break from blogging, because although it is something I really love doing, I just didn't have the time or motivation to write and publish any posts. I hope you all understand the fact that I'm under so much pressure at the minute because of my school and A levels. And I thought GCSE's were hard haha.
So what's been happening in the past few months? Well I applied to a Supported Progression Scheme with Durham University, it's weird to think that I'm already looking at universities when I'm only 16, but with this scheme the requirements could get lowered and I could potentially get an offer for Durham Uni. I'm just waiting to hear from them, so fingers crossed for now. Last Week I took part in The UK Team Maths Challenge regional heats, our team came 12th out of 15 teams, but I had so much fun doing it and it just made me remember how much I love maths. At school I am loving all of my A levels despite the work load. I'm finding German so interesting and Physics and Maths are just perfect.
Hopefully I will be posting very soon, it's less than a month till Christmas and I can't wait to write some Christmasy posts and also it's a month till my blog's birthday, I can't believe I've nearly been blogging for a year.
What are you most excited about for December?
Until next time, Katie x