Monday, 2 May 2016

Last Minute Exam Tips

Hey, I'm back in the midst of my busy revision schedule with a quick post with some last minute tips. I mean I know there is still a few weeks until exams properly start. But my first exam is this friday with my german speaking (Internally screaming right now). So here are a few tips that got me through my GCSE's just about and I'm hoping will work for my A levels.

Try not to worry too much- I know it's a lot easier said than done, and it's what everyone tells you. But if you start to worry, you start to panic and then your mind will just go off your exam.

Be confident, if you go in thinking you are going to fail, then there is a bigger chance you will. 

Don't think about an exam after it is finished. When you walk out an exam there is nothing else you can do to change it, so it's useless constantly thinking about it. 

Remember that you will never feel 100% prepared for exam, no matter how much you revise you're always going to think that you don't know enough. 

Don't talk about your answers when you leave an exam, because then you may begin to doubt the whole of the exam. 

Don't leave an answer empty. This is more for maths and science, but I always hated leaving an answer empty, so even if you have no idea write something you think makes sense, you never know. 

Sleep, I know the idea of spending the whole night before an exam revising, it's not going to help. I always find that I need some down time on a night before and exam. I'll just forget about the exam for a while. 

Look forward to the summer. As you spend your time revising, just look forward to the summer in which you don't have to think about school. You can just relax, spend time with your friends and family. I think that is a great motivation for me to get through exams. 

I hope some of these tips have helped you. Good luck to anyone with exams and I hope they go well.

What are your Exam Tips?

Until Next Time, Katie x