Sunday, 29 March 2015

A day in the Life of Me

This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily , Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!)  Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, send a quick email to! xxx

So this week we basically had to do a photo diary of a day home or away. I thought I would show you what I usually get up to on my Sundays, which isn't a lot. I hope you enjoy this post.

I am aware I look awful, but my jumper is from H&M and my jeans are from Primark

My sister then painted our nails, I am rubbish at it. The top are mine and the bottom are hers.
I spent some time learning Lines for my GCSE final drama performance. (eek) Its just over a months time.
Me and my sister then decided to bake some biscuits.

Our chick cookies.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post, please leave any requests in the comments.

Until Next Time, Katie x

Friday, 27 March 2015

Inspirational Assembly

Hi, sorry I haven't posted in a while, i have been extremely busy with revision. But after today I was inspired to write  quick little blog post.

So today my Head Teacher gave a very emotional and personal assembly about his father's cancer. Most of the year ended up crying as we could see that is was hard for him to talk to over 200 year 11's about something so personal. He is truly one of my biggest inspirations and will continue to be throughout my whole adult life. He is not just a head teacher, he knows us all on a very personal level, he can have a laugh with us and he can trust us to respect him.

What really got to me was the end of the assembly. He was talking to us about what we should learn from his experiences in life, it made me look at my life and want to change. I think this is something that everyone needs to hear. He told us to not take anything for granted, to live in this moment and have no regrets because we only have one chance to get it right and it's only us who can make that happen. To appreciate everyone who is here for us, as you never know what might happen and you may never get to say thanks for everything that they have done.

So what I want you to do is to go and tell someone how much they mean to you right now as it is not said enough and there may be a time where it is too late. Appreciate everything you have now and live life to the fullest.

My head teacher had an extremely powerful affect on me today and he has changed my outlook on life. He is such and inspirational person and speaker and I will always remember him for that.

Thanks for reading my little post, leave your opinions in the comments.

Until Next Time- Katie x

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Youtuber of the Month - Dan and Phil

Hi, So it's that time again My monthly you tube favourite. I decided this month I would tell you a bit about Dan HERE, and Phil HERE.

Danisnotonfire (aka Dan Howell) and AmazingPhil (aka Phil Lester) are two British youtubers who became best friends and now share a flat together in London. They host a show on BBC Radio 1.

I came to know about Dan and Phil through my friends, who never stopped talking about them. I remember that weekend i came home and watched literally all of their videos, I had completely fell in love with their personalities and their looks obviously. I think they the first 2 YouTubers I started to watch.

They both upload comedy videos and  have lots of little anecdotes about their lives. They always do collabs, and my favourites have to be the Philisnotonfire series. As I said what I like most about them is their quirky personalities, and their relatable stories.
I am really proud of where they have came in the past years as they have definitely worked hard to get where they are now.

Thank you for reading. What are your thoughts on Dan and Phil?

Until Next Time  Katie x

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Another Little Update

Hi, I thought I might just do a chatty post, because I feel like it. So recently I have been busy with revision, homework and working so that's why my posts have been awful recently and I apologize. I promise that when it gets to the summer my blog will improve dramatically as I have 10 weeks, to do whatever I want, and I wont be stressing over exams.

In the summer I am also taking part in NCS (National Citizen Service) this is something I never really saw myself doing because I'm not the outdoor active person, but I am really looking forward to it. I have seen lots of youtubers talk about it and it looks really fun, hopefully it will build my confidence and I will become a happier person.

So I decided to join the Secret Blogger Project 2015, where I will post twice a month on topics chosen by the creators. I thought this would be a good idea to make blogging friends and give inspiration for posts. If you would like to be involved- Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, send a quick email to
 If you have a blog please leave it below as I would love to check it out. 

So I guess that's it for my little update post, if there is anything you would like to see in the next few months of my blog please leave your suggestions below as I want to know what you want to see. I'll leave you with this cute quote.

Until Next Time,   Katie x

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Liebster Award

Hi, So I was nominated for the Liebster Award by my gorgeous friend Saba Sadia, you can find her blog HERE You should Definitely check her out.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank & link the person/people who nominated you.
2. Answer the nominators 11 questions.
3. Nominate 11 small blogs with fewer than 200 followers who you believe deserve this award and include their links.
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Notify you nominees via social media/blogs.

Here are My Answers

1- What is your favourite book?  This is a really hard question, I love The Fault In Our Stars, Girl Online and The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower.
2- What are your top 2 beauty products? These Would have to be My Rimmel Stay Matte Powder In transparent and My Maybelline Lash  Sensational Mascara.
3- What are 2 of your holy grail skincare products? Nivea Eye Make-up Remover and my Simple Moisturizer.
3- Do you have any siblings? I have 3 brothers and 1 sister.
4- What is your favourite clothing store? Probably Primark or Select.
5- What is your favourite movie of all time? This is really hard too, any Nicholas Sparks film, The Perks Of Being a Wallflower, and basically every chic flick.
6- What is your current favourite song? Flares- The Script
7- What is your favourite ice cream? Chocolate
8- Name one item on your wish-list (not beauty related)? Headphones for My Keyboard
9- Who is your favourite music artist? The Script
10- What is your favourite chocolate (very important question)? Galaxy Cookie Crumble
11- What do you do in your spare time? I play the keyboard, bake and watch a lot of Youtube.

Here Are My Nominees:
Sorry, Most of the blogs that I read have already done the Liebster Award so if  you are reading this and would like to do this, then please say that I tagged you.

Here Are My Questions
  1. What is your dream job?
  2. What is the 1 beauty product you could not live without?
  3. If you were able to fly to any country in the world right now where would you go?
  4. What is your favourite skin care product?
  5. Do you have any pets?
  6. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would you pick?
  7. What is your favourite film to watch when you are sad?
  8. What is your guilty pleasure?
  9. What is your favourite Spring trend?
  10. What is your favourite thing to do when you are bored?
  11. Where is your favourite place?
Thank you for reading, please Link your Liebster Awards in the comments so that I can read them. 

Until Next Time, Katie x

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

My Zoella BooHoo Wish-List

Hi, so I thought that after seeing Zoe's Look book, I would pick my favourite Items, from her picks at  I hope you enjoy.

All of These Photos Are From the BooHoo Website.

 Thank You for Reading,   Until Next Time     Katie x