Friday, 24 June 2016

I'm Doing a Sponsored Walk???

Hey, long time, no see. Exams got in the way as they always do, I mean I've been exam free for a week but never got around to posting. So I thought I would use this post to give you an update on my life. 

So firstly exams went alright, some were not great, but I've just put them out of my mind for now, I hope everyone else's exams went well. Secondly I've started doing EPQ properly now, I have 12 hours of EPQ lessons a week, so I might be posting more on my EPQ blog thing, which is linked at the top of this blog. Also I'm going to a lot of Uni open days, it' weird to think in a few months time I'm going to be applying to Uni's. I definitely don't feel old enough, and on the university note I'm doing a maths summer school thing at Durham  University in the summer which I'm quite excited for.. 

Now to get onto the title of this post. Me and a few friends (which I actually met through NCS) decided we wanted to do something to raise money for a local charity. We decided we would do a sponsored walk, because none of us are really sporty and a run would just kill us, literally. The charity we are donating to is a local charity called The Bubble Foundation, which is a charity which helps babies,children and adults who don't have an immune system. My friend has raised money before and said it was an amazing charity which did amazing work. So anyway on the 17th of July this year we are doing a sponsored walk of approx 12 miles to raise money. We have a Go Fund Me Page -HERE- if any of you want to donate, its totally 100% fine for you not to donate, I just wanted to put the option out there. 

So i guess that's what has been happening in my life whilst I've been away. 

Is anything exciting happening in yours?

Until Next Time, Katie. x 

Monday, 2 May 2016

Last Minute Exam Tips

Hey, I'm back in the midst of my busy revision schedule with a quick post with some last minute tips. I mean I know there is still a few weeks until exams properly start. But my first exam is this friday with my german speaking (Internally screaming right now). So here are a few tips that got me through my GCSE's just about and I'm hoping will work for my A levels.

Try not to worry too much- I know it's a lot easier said than done, and it's what everyone tells you. But if you start to worry, you start to panic and then your mind will just go off your exam.

Be confident, if you go in thinking you are going to fail, then there is a bigger chance you will. 

Don't think about an exam after it is finished. When you walk out an exam there is nothing else you can do to change it, so it's useless constantly thinking about it. 

Remember that you will never feel 100% prepared for exam, no matter how much you revise you're always going to think that you don't know enough. 

Don't talk about your answers when you leave an exam, because then you may begin to doubt the whole of the exam. 

Don't leave an answer empty. This is more for maths and science, but I always hated leaving an answer empty, so even if you have no idea write something you think makes sense, you never know. 

Sleep, I know the idea of spending the whole night before an exam revising, it's not going to help. I always find that I need some down time on a night before and exam. I'll just forget about the exam for a while. 

Look forward to the summer. As you spend your time revising, just look forward to the summer in which you don't have to think about school. You can just relax, spend time with your friends and family. I think that is a great motivation for me to get through exams. 

I hope some of these tips have helped you. Good luck to anyone with exams and I hope they go well.

What are your Exam Tips?

Until Next Time, Katie x

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Cambridge University

Hey, I hope you're all having a lovely day. I thought I would share with you all of my photos from my recent trip to Kings College, Cambridge. I was extremely lucky to visit Cambridge University this week, it is such a pretty place and well worth the 6 hour coach journey to get there. I am hoping to apply for Cambridge to do maths next year. Even though it is extremely competitive and hard to get into, I am determined to put the work in, and it is a great motivation for my exams. So anyway I was like a proper tourist and took so many photos, how could I not, It is incredible there. We stayed in Kings College, it is such a pretty place. Anyway I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking...

I hope you enjoyed this post. I really want to go back to Cambridge, and I hopefully will be going to the open day at the end of June. I wish I could have stayed a lot longer than I did. 

How has your week been?

Until Next Time, Katie x 

Sunday, 10 April 2016

More Than This

Hi, long time no speak. I'm finding no time to blog at the minute, but I needed to tell you all about this book. More Than This by Patrick Ness, because I haven't stopped thinking about it.

I'm the sort of person to read a book in a whole day, and that's what I did with this book. I honestly started reading and couldn't put it down. I'm going to try and explain without giving too much away because I don't want to spoil it for you all.

Haven't you felt like there has to be more?
Like there's more out there somewhere, just beyond your grasp, if only you could get to it.

Such a vague blurb for a book which is always surprising you.  Patrick Ness does all he can to leave you guessing right till the last minute.

The story follows the protagonist Seth who, after drowning in the ocean, finds himself in a desolate town which he believes to be hell. Throughout the story we learn,through a series of flashbacks,more about Seth's life before he died. We also see Seth discover more about this 'Hell' that Seth has found himself in and why exactly he is there.

I don't want to give any more away, but the way this book is written is incredible, you have no idea which way the story is going to turn. The ending is the reason I can't forget about this book, Patrick Ness has written it to leave you think, leaving a lot to your imagination.

What book have you been loving recently?

Until Next Time, Katie x 

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Hey. If any of you reading know me quite well, you will know that I love my hair. It's my favourite part of my body I think. I also love hairstyles and in my yearbook quote that my friends wrote for me they mentioned the fact that  I try to wear a different hairstyle to school everyday. I know I haven't done many hair posts, but It's quite hard to take photos for them, but I'm hoping I can do some hairstyle posts in the spring/summer. 

Since I love my hair so much, It takes me a lot to decide to change it, recently I have been in awe of the soft ombre (sombre) look. It's not as harsh as some other ombre hairstyles and isn't such a big change. I've been scrolling through Pinterest for hours (no exaggeration) and have fallen in love with this style. 

So I guess that' it really, I'm still deliberation over whether I want to dye my hair or not, but I will keep you updated. 

What hair trends are you loving at the minute?

Until Next Time Katie x 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Revlon Matte Balm - Sultry

Hey, so I thought I would write a quick post about the lipstick I've been loving for the past month. 

This is one of the Revlon Matte Balms, In the shade 225 Sultry, I find it quite hard to describe this colour its quite a darkish muted berry pink sort of shade. Wow Katie such a great explanation. 

I love the quality of the lipstick, and the crayon makes it so easy to apply. It doesn't feel uncomfortable on the lips considering it is a matte lipstick and it lasts really quite well, but it is not hard to reapply throughout the day. It has a sort of minty scent, which I like and it's just the perfect shade for everyday wear.

I've been wearing this lipstick nearly everyday and I get so many compliments when I wear it. So I'm definitely going to look at more of the Revlon Matte Balms, Have you tried any?

What has been your favourite Lip look recently?

Until Next Time, Katie x 

Friday, 29 January 2016

January Blues

Hey, long time no see. I know I said I would try to post more but circumstances got in the way this month.

Sadly at the start of this month my Nana passed away, I used to see her every week and I was talking to her the day before she
 died, this has made it really hard for me.  I've spent this month grieving and coming to terms with the fact I'll never see her again . This and the funeral just have meant i havent been in a great mood at all this month.

Also added onto this is that I had my A level mocks, they didn't go as well as I wante
d but my mind was on other things. I ended up with A,B,C,D and all though I'm very happy with the A I know the other exams could have gone so much better.

I've spent January with my friends and family who have helped me through this really hard time. Consequently I have found neither the time or passion to write a blog post, I hope you understand. I'm hoping that I'll start writing more this next month. I'm not promising that though, you all know what I'm like. 

How has your January been?

Until Next time, Katie x